From The Pastor's Heart - January 4, 2009

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Have A Blessed New Year!
As we gather together on this first Sunday of 2009 I want to wish you a very "Happy New Year!" It is my prayer that each one of you will experience the richest of God's blessings in all areas of your life during this new year. As pastor of this church, my prayer is that at Union Grove, we will experience a year of personal spiritual growth and maturity; that we experience a year of growing fellowship among our people and with God; that we see many lost souls saved and baptized; and that we assimilate them into the ministry of a spiritually-minded body of believers.

We have so much to accomplish this year, and I am calling on each member to stand with me as we make our journey with God's help into this time of opportunity. Of course, there is not a question if we follow the direction that God has given us, we will be blessed. If our families will follow the teaching of the principles in the Bible, then our families will be blessed. If we take the message of the Gospel to those who are lost, many will be saved. If we stand by the ministry of this church, and pray for the services and for each day's ministry, we will be blessed as a church. Much of the responsibility is upon us. We are God's people with the responsibility of walking with Him, doing His will, and accomplishing His purpose. I urge you to draw nigh to God!

Thank You
Kim, Claire and I would like to express our appreciation for everything you did for us during the Christmas holidays. We greatly appreciate the cards, kind words and gifts. You have been a great encouragement to us, and we want you to know how much we appreciate getting to serve you and with you at this great church.

It Takes Four To Flourish...
Please be faithful to all the services of this church - Bible Fellowships, Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship and Wednesday Night. Each service is designed to help you in your Christian growth and development. When you miss, I feel that you have missed something that God intended to provide for you.

Property Fund Update
As we began the month of November I challenged our church family to pray for God to enable us to pay off our sewer loan. The payoff amount was $7,156.17. I appreciate so many of you responding to that challenge, giving sacrificially, and helping to reach this goal. Not only were we able to pay off the loan, but we have been able to pay extra on another loan. Thank you for all you did! We will be celebrating this milestone today. The total given to the Property Fund between November 2nd and December 31 was $18,624.45. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

I am personally praying that we will be able to significantly reduce our indebtedness on the new property during 2009. With each of us giving as the Lord blesses us to give I believe we can make great strides toward reaching our goal of paying off the land and building our building. If you are not giving to the building fund each week or month, please consider beginning to do so. Each gift, regardless of the size, makes a difference.

Our current loan balance amounts are:

Loan # 1 — $ 286,006.18
Loan # 2 — $ 286,364.28
Total — $ 572,370.46

We will be applying the extra offerings received each month to Loan #2 since this is the loan that will impacted the most by additional principal payments. Also at this time we are negotiating to consolidate and refinance our loans at a lower interest rate which could make a significant difference in our ultimate payoff. Please pray for direction and wisdom as the deacons and I pursue this matter. It is our desire to be wise stewards.

Please Pray...
Please pray for me that God would grant to me health, wisdom, vision, and a special anointing of the Spirit of God in 2009! I depend on the prayers of the saints each day to serve as pastor of this great Church family.

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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