From The Pastor's Heart - February 1, 2009

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Salem Pregnancy Care Center Baby Bottle Campaign
I want to thank everyone who participated in the Salem Pregnancy Care Center Baby Bottle Campaign. You are making a difference by giving to this worthy ministry. A special word of thanks to the Homebuilders Adult Bible Fellowship, Stephanie Haynes, and Andrea Sizemore for heading up this project.

Missions Proposals
The deacons and I are making the following proposal to the congregation that will be voted on Wednesday, February 11th. Please see me if you have any questions about these proposals.

College & Career Class - $1,200.00 Support for their Peru Missions Trip. This is $100.00 for 12 participants.

Stan McRobie - $100.00 support for a two week missions trip to the Philippines. Stan is a former active member of Union Grove that moved to Wendell, NC for job reasons. He and his family where active, faithful members here and are now faithfully serving in Heritage Baptist Church in Wendell, NC.

Hannah Fulk - $100.00 support for a summer missions trip. This trip is part of Hannah’s continuing pursuit of possible fture full-time missions service.

David Mora - $100.00 support for a summer missions trip. This trip is part of David’s training as a Piedmont Baptist College student preparing to serve on the mission field.

Curtis Kelly - $100.00 for a summer missions trip to Trinidad and Tobago. Curtis is the son of faithful missionaries. He has taken two missions trips previously.

Rachel Steinhaus - $100.00 for a missions trip this spring to New York through Maranatha Baptist Bible College.

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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