From The Pastor's Heart - October 5, 2008

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Our revival services this past week were such a blessing. Every night God used the ministry of music and the preaching of God’s Word in a powerful way in my life and I am sure in the lives of many others. I challenged you last Sunday to work toward a filled sanctuary in every service. I also said that your attendance, prayers, and efforts matter. Praise the Lord through your faithfulness and the Lord's blessings we did have great crowds in each service! Also your attendance, prayers and efforts not only mattered, but made it possible for God to bless our revival services in a marvelous way. I felt the touch of God upon each service.

I want to thank the choir and the special music for your soul-stirring music ministry. I want to thank the ushers for doing a great job. I want to thank the nursery workers for lovingly caring for the infants and toddlers in the nurseries. I want to thank those who helped make the dramatized crucifixion service possible. I want to thank the staff for working in preparation for the revival and for all you did during the revival to make things go smoothly. I want to thank everyone who invited someone and those who prayed. I want to thank everyone who faithfully attended the services. Most importantly I want to give God praise for sending His showers of blessing upon the services and for speaking to hearts. It has been a great week and a good time of preparation for the church year ahead of us. I am convinced God has great things planned for this church family and we can all work together as “co-laborers with God.

Our Family Fun Fest is this Saturday. Once again I think it is going to be a great day to share the love of Christ. Thanks in advance for all that you have done and will do to make this outreach opportunity possible. Remember this week to invite family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else God brings across your path this week.

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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