From The Pastor's Heart - December 28, 2008

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Praise The Lord For A Great Year!
We have so many reasons to be thankful to God for all He has done for us at Union Grove during 2008! This has been a great year, and I am grateful that God chose to pour out His blessings on us once again. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

Thank You
Kim, Claire and I would like to express our appreciation for everything our Church family did for us during the Christmas holidays. We greatly appreciated the many cards, kind words and gifts. You have been a great encouragement to us, and we want you to know how much we appreciate getting to serve you and with you at this great church. We look forward to entering a new year with new opportunities in 2009! Our prayer is that God will continue to use us and this church family to make a great mark on our community and on the entire world.

Property Fund Update
Several weeks ago I challenged our church family to pray for God to enable us to pay off our sewer loan. I appreciate so many of you responding to that challenge and giving sacrificially. God has answered this prayer. Not only were we able to pay off the loan, but we have been able to pay extra on another loan. Thank you for all you did! We will be celebrating this milestone on January 4th. The total offerings given to the Property Fund between November 2nd and December 21st was $16,283.00. $3,504.00 of this amount was given through the Christmas Property Fund Offerings in lieu of Christmas cards.

I am personally praying that we will be able to reduce our indebtedness on the new property considerably during 2009. With each of us giving as the Lord blesses us to give I believe we can make great strides toward reaching our goal of paying off the land and building our building. If you are not giving to the building fund each week or month, please consider beginning to do so next Sunday.

Looking Forward...
I desire the very best from God for you in 2009, and am praying that we will all be drawn closer to our God this year than ever before. Please pray for me that God would grant to me health, wisdom, vision, and a special anointing of the Spirit of God!

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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