From the Pastor's Heart - October 12, 2008

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Last Sunday we celebrated Homecoming and the 62 years of fruitful ministry that God has given Union Grove Baptist Church. I want to thank everyone who attended the Homecoming meal and for bringing all the great food. I also want to thank Bob Clonch for arranging the music program for Sunday night and everyone who participated in providing God-honoring music for our spiritual edification. We are blessed to have so many gifted people in our church family. It was a great day!

Looking Forward
Again today I want to challenge all of us about the last three months of the year of 2008! October, November, and December are three months of great opportunity for us at Union Grove Baptist Church! I have prayed this year that God would give us the greatest year ever, and so far I can see that God is doing a great work among us. Yet, I feel the best is yet to come. I am asking for a renewed faithfulness of each member in all that we are doing as a church to reach more souls for salvation, to teach more people the Word of God, and to see the power of God demonstrated in a special way during this three month period. I thank you for your faithfulness and determination to be the kind of church that would please the Lord in the day in which we live.

Property Update
As of Monday our loan for the installment of the sewer will be down to $12,429.14. Over the last several months we have been able to make considerable progress toward seeing this loan paid in full thanks to regular weekly property fund giving and several special gifts. I would love to see this loan paid in full by the end of the year. Pray with me about this and plan to give something every week if you are not doing so now. With everyone giving whatever God enables you to give we can see this goal achieved. I cannot wait for the opportunity to celebrate this victory!

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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