
Our vote matters! Consider these issues and where the candidates stand as you go to the polls. Be sure to vote based on Biblical principles and convictions.

Moral issues
Among the most prominent are abortion, gay rights and the definition of "marriage" and "family."

Religious freedom
Restrictions can affect freedom to worship, pray and evangelize.

National security
Military preparedness is a key issue in this election.

Public school system
Issues affected are federal intervention, the teaching of humanism vs. theism and the influence of the NEA.

Private and home schools
Vouchers, federal regulations and curriculum mandates will be affected.

Inflation affects personal finances and contributions, which affects church and non-profit organization finances.

Christian broadcasting
Under the Fairness Doctrine, controversial issues of community interest must be identified and all sides presented. When implemented, the regulation greatly hinders Christian broadcasting. The Doctrine was rescinded under Reagan, and Clinton tried to restore it.

The president appoints an estimated 2,000 or more positions. The next president could possibly appoint four Supreme Court justices.

Free speech
Speaking out against sin conflicts with "politically correct" views. This can affect tax exempt status.

National sovereignty
The influence foreign governments and authorities have over the U.S. will be affected (e.g., U.S. soldiers swearing allegiance to the U.N.).

I am including information below that should be helpful as you seek direction from the Lord as to how you will vote:

Voting Guides***WallBuilders has released a 2008 Presidential Voters’ Guide, which looks at the stance of the Presidential candidates from both parties on fourteen key issues. Read and download the Voters' Guide here.

The pro-family organizations listed below provide voters resources for most states. Click on the organizations’ links to get more information.
American Family Association: Voter Resources
Catholic Answers: Voter's Guide
Christian Coalition: Voter Guides
Eagle Forum: Election Central
Family Research Council: Voting Records
Focus on the Family: CitizenLink
National Right to Life Committee: Voting Records
Pew Forum: Religion and Politics 08

Know the Candidates and IssuesClick here to track Federal legislation and find out how your Congressman and Senators are voting.

Sites like Project Vote Smart, On The Issues, iVoteValues, Easy Voter, and The Ballot, provide a wealth of non-partisan information on voting and candidates (including biographies, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and interest group ratings). Another way to access voter information for your state is to use a search engine (i.e., google or yahoo) and type in "voter guide" or "voter information" along with key words like "pro-family" or "Christian" and the name of your state.

For instructions on viewing candidates interest group ratings, commonly called "Scorecards," click here.


Diane Teague said…
You are a great Pastor. Thank you for being my Pastor. Please keep preaching the Word as long as God gives you breath.

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