From The Pastor's Heart - October 26, 2008

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Wednesday night our Student Pastor, Jeremy Pollard, announced his resignation. I have included that resignation in the bulletin today. He chose to do so on a Wednesday night in order to be able to announce it to the congregation in the sanctuary and then to the students and leaders during the Student Club. It is with great sadness, yet with acceptance of what Jeremy and Tiffany believe to be the will of God for their future, that we accept Jeremy’s resignation. I know this has not been an easy decision for them and the next four weeks will not be easy as they conclude their ministry among us and this chapter of their lives. Please pray for them as they walk through this time of transition at Union Grove and then as Jeremy transitions into his new role as a Children’s pastor. I would also ask that you pray for our teens. This is a difficult time for them as well.

We will be forever grateful for their ministry at Union Grove and for the way God has used both Jeremy and Tiffany to impact many lives for Christ. Even though they will not be physically with us their influence will continue to be felt for years to come. I want to encourage you this month to keep your eyes upon the Lord and to seek His help as you deal with the sadness of their leaving. I also want to encourage you to rejoice over how the Lord has used them here since August of 2002 as Jeremy served as college intern and then since August of 2003 as Jeremy has served as student pastor.

I know many, especially our teens, are wondering about what the future holds for our student ministry. Over the next few weeks we will be working with Jeremy to formulate a transition plan and to put in place interim leadership. It is my desire, as I know it is Jeremy and Tiffany’s desire, for the student ministry to continue to promote Christian growth and service in the lives of our students. With the help of our Church staff and great adult and college age leaders in the student ministry I believe this will be the case. We are also beginning an extensive and intensive search for our next student pastor. Even though we don’t know who he is now, God does. God has been preparing a man to continue the great legacy of teen ministry that Union Grove has been known for throughout the years.

You are loved,
Pastor Ken
Jeremy's Resignation Letter

Dear UGBC Family,

For a little over 6 years, my family has been blessed to serve at Union Grove. God has given us a love for the people, especially the students, during this time. He has grown relationships that have forever affected our lives. The staff whom I have worked with have been outstanding. I will forever be indebted to Pastor for giving an inexperienced 21 year old a chance. He took a risk that few Pastors would have taken. His family, along with many others, has become our family. We are thankful for every relationship.

Serving in the GROVE Student Ministry has been more than college could have ever prepared me for. Each activity, each decision, each life touched for Christ has made this road a truly amazing adventure. We love both the students and adult leaders deeply and are proud of them in so many ways.

Union Grove has also stood by us during a time in our lives when we could not have survived alone. Your love and support last year after our wreck were overwhelming. The prayers you sent up and the hands you lended proved to be our rock. May God bless your sacrifices in the same way He has blessed us.

It is with extreme sadness yet perfect peace that I resign from Student Pastor at Union Grove Baptist Church. I was contacted a couple months back by The Summit Church in Durham, NC in their search for a Children’s Pastor. It was something I was not looking for, but that God placed in my path. After months of prayer and seeking God’s face, I have accepted this position. My final Sunday at Union Grove will be on November 23, as I will begin ministering at The Summit on December 1. Our family has complete peace that this is God’s will for our lives.

There would not be enough time for me to truly express my feelings in all this. I am excited yet torn. Union Grove means so much to us. Thank you for accepting Tiff. and I as a young married couple. Thank you for loving Stephen as your own. We will forever be grateful to God for the years He has given us at Union Grove Baptist Church, and the memories we have made. Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to do His will.

Jeremy Pollard


Angie Tullock said…
I too am sad that they are leaving but they must go where the Lord is leading them. I love the song, "Lead me Lord and I will follow." It pretty much sums up where we should be in our lives and that is in God's will. I will do my best as a student leader to keep my girls on track and their eyes focused on the LORD. I have explained to them that Jeremy and Tiff leaving has nothing to do with the teens but that Jeremy and Tiff must follow God's will for their lives just as I continue to pray for God's will in each one of my girl's lives. I love working with the teens and I pray that I am a blessing to them and set the example before them. We will be praying for our church and who God has already called to be our next youth pastor.
Kimberly said…
I can completely understand the broken hearts the teens must have right now. As a teen, I too had to deal with my youth pastor leaving. He and his young wife really made an impact in my life, and luckily with technology, we still keep in touch. But they too had to follow God's will.

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