From The Pastor's Heart - November 30, 2008

Dear Church Family and Friends,

“The Grove” Student Ministry
I will be meeting with the student ministry adult and college leaders this afternoon at 5:15 pm in the Hospitality Room. Every leader is requested to attend. We will be discussing the immediate plans for the student ministry as well as future plans. With the help of our Church staff, adult and college age leaders, and student leaders we anticipate a smooth transition. As I have shared previously we have begun an extensive and intensive search for our next student pastor. We have already received several recommendations and resumes and expect to receive many more over the next few weeks. I will be communicating over the next few weeks with those who seem to be possible candidates for the position in order to narrow the list to the most feasible candidates until we have someone who I and the deacons feel as though we can present to the church family. If you have any recommendations or suggestions, please share them with me. Also, please pray as we seek the Lord’s clear direction and His person for this position.

Thank You
Thank you to everyone who helped plan, donated food, prepared for, served at, and cleaned up after our church-wide fellowship in honor of the Pollards. A special thank you to Joyce Corbett and Kim Harris for their leadership. It is always a blessing to see how many willing workers we have at Union Grove.

Surviving The Holidays
Please see the insert in the bulletin today about this encouraging GriefShare seminar. This is a great way to be encouraged yourself this Christmas as well as a great outreach for family and friends in the community. Be sure to tell your family and friends about it. A sign-up sheet is in the Welcome Center for anyone interested in participating or you can call the church office (764-2103 Ext. 301) to register.

First Steps Class
I want to encourage all of our newer members, prospective members, visitors, as well as any member interested in the class, to take this important class. It is a great opportunity to learn or be reminded of the fundamentals of our faith and to learn more about our church. The class will be offered two times each week and will be taught in the Welcome Center Conference Room. The class times are Sunday at 10:00 am and Wednesday at 6:30 pm. If you have any questions about the class, please contact me or Bernie Beverly.

Sewer Loan Payoff Update — Paid In Full!!!
Praise the Lord — Our sewer loan has been paid in full! We will celebrate this milestone on Wednesday, December 31st. Now we will be applying our sewer loan payment as well as extra offerings received to the principal on another of our two loans. This will make a drastic difference in interest saving and the projected payoff. Thanks for all you are doing! Every extra gift does make a difference! It would be great to see this next loan of which is currently $293,189.20 greatly reduced by the end of 2009.

Missions Program Updates
Thank you for your faithful giving to missions. Through your generosity we are continuing to impact the world by helping missionaries go to the places God has called them to serve.

This past Wednesday we heard a great report from Tom and Nancy Jessup, our BMM missionaries to Mexico. It was exciting to see faces of those who were saved and had become members of their last church plant. Pray for them as they will be returning to assist with a new church plant.

A few weeks ago we were informed that Eric and Cindy Baker will be returning home from the field of Brazil and will no longer be serving as missionaries with Baptist Mid-Missions. Please pray for the Baker family as they make this transition.

We will be voting on Wednesday, December 3rd, to add Cletis and Tammy Titus to our missions program. The deacons and I are recommending that we provide $100.00 a month support. They are on deputation preparing to serve in Jamaica.

Over the next few months we will be bringing in new prospects for missionary support. There are many good missionaries looking for support. Please pray that God will give clear leadership concerning those we invite to share their burdens.

You are loved,
Pastor Ken


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