God is Good!

I heard a great quote today by William Jennings Bryan that I want to pass along to anyone who might read my blog. ""On the Fourth of July we celebrate our independence; on Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence...on the Fourth of July we boast of what we have done, and on Thanksgiving Day we feel grateful for what we have received."

I realize now more than ever before just how dependent I am on God. I am so thankful for all that He has done for me throughout my life. When I begin to count my blessings and name them one by one I realize just how blessed I am and how thankful I should be for those blessings.

It would be impossible to imagine how different my life would be without God in my life. I will forever be grateful for His salvation and for the manifold blessings that flow out of that personal relationship and walk with God. My heart is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving as I reflect on His goodness and prepare for another great Thanksgiving Day.


Pam said…
That quote by William Jennings Bryan caught my attention in the Legal Alert too, as did the article about the Origins of Thanksgiving. Thought you might like to have the entire quote as given in the newsletter:

"On the Fourth of July we celebrate our independence; on Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence...on the Fourth of July we boast of what we have done, and on Thanksgiving Day we feel grateful for what we have received."

Here is a link to the article about Thanksgiving:

The Thanksgiving service is one of my favorites every year. My heart is full from hearing everyone's testimonies of God's goodness.

God IS good!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for having a Pastor's heart. I want you to know that we appreciate your stand for right and that we consider it a privilege to be a member of Union Grove. Happy Thanksgiving, and may it be a blessed one for you and your family.
Susan said…
I was "anonymous". I am not very good at blogging.
Susan Koonts

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